Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Faith...but Not in Man

I'm writing this blog tonight to share with the world what I have learned today. Well, maybe not "learned" but reminded of...

I had a day today that at one point I described to my friend James as "having my faith in Man-kind rattled." Just that statement alone makes all the details meaningless and irrelevant to say the least Through all of the cluttered details and pursuant emotions I was left with a bit of a hole to fill in my own confidence in man.

Because I have and will continue to have such a high standard for the people that I work with, it tends to set me up to be disappointed at times...very much like a father in a family feels. Today, I felt disappointment...because I have put my team on a pedestle even though I know that they are human beings that make mistakes.

I reached out on Twitter and said that I "need help restoring my faith in Man-kind" because I thought that's what I actually needed. I recieved message after message from people who I know and barely know and they were all amazing. (Thank you ALL for them) I was beginning to feel better...people are people, right? They make mistakes, right? That doesn't mean that they are bad people, right?

The last message I got tonight was from my Mother. I have no idea why she was even up at 1am Orlando time but she was supposed to be...clearly. She reminded me of a bible verse that says - "Put your trust in NO man, trust ONLY in God." Little did she know that it was the 3rd time that I have heard those exact words in 2 weeks. For whatever reason, they weren't "perfectly relevant" when I heard them the 1st and 2nd times. My girlfriends sister Dasha sent us an e-mail before we went out of town last week and the entire power-point slide revolved around that exact message. Earlier TODAY, while talking to one of my best-friends, he reminded me of the SAME message.

I'm not a guy that wants to convince you of anything...I want to present you with a few facts though. (per Dasha's e-mail to us)

The shortest chapter in the bible is: Psalm 117
The longest chapter in the bible is: Psalm 119
The chapter that is in the CENTER of the bible is: Psalm 118 (there are 594 chapters BEFORE Psalm 118 and 594 chapters AFTER Psalm 118.)
The center VERSE in the bible is Psalm 118:8 - Which reads "It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in man."

HEAVY, right?!?!?! I'm just sayin...THAT is WILD!! There is no more perfect message for me today.

Men and women will let us down...it's what we're supposed to do! We're humans! We make mistakes! I can rest now...knowing where my own personal focus should remain.

Now...people that work for me........need to know that I know that they will make mistakes...they had just better make sure the big ones don't happen on my clock. ;)

I'll probably read 'em a bible verse about forgiveness as I ask them to pack their things and go. ;)

I will continue to pursue righteousness in this world because my little girl needs that of me...she's gonna be let down by a lot of men. (after I break their arms) She's going to need to have all of the tools that are neccessary to make sense of this crazy world.

(I was mostly kidding about the broken arms thing...haha) ;)


  1. I posted on my twitter last week that forgiveness and trust are NOT the same thing. Forgiveness is unconditional and, even though it's not easy at times, it's what God asks of us. However, nowhere does He tell us to TRUST others. Trust IS conditional & takes time to rebuild. And, sometimes trust is gone for good. Forgiveness doesn't make us hurt any less, but it at least keeps us from being trapped. Trusting is the hard part...

  2. You may be kidding about breaking arms... But her uncles are not! Keep up the good work brother this is nothing more than a speed bump on the road to better times.
    Love you man,
