Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sometimes, ya gotta step in dog poop

I just stepped in dog poop. I was annoyed for sure. I mean, who likes to step in dog poop. I was a fresh one too...haha. I thought it was a leaf on the ground. I knew that it was dark and I probably shouldn't have stepped on a foreign object but I gambled...and came up shitty.

Before I could even get my shoe off to walk upstairs barefoot before I cleaned it, I already knew that I was going to write.

Sometimes ya gotta step in dog poop. It's TRUE! Even though we are ever developing and learning we are bound to make mistakes. We're even bound to know that we are making the mistake. How many times have you known good and well that your decision wasn't the right one? Think about it...are you setting yourself up to step in dog poop? Than how can you be so mad about the fact that you stepped in it?

I'm going to do a better job of avoid dog poop...both actually and metaphorically. That's MY decision.

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